Ask Your Reps to Support the National Alzheimer's Project Act

More than 5.3 million Americans live with Alzheimer's disease, but there is no plan to deal with this crisis. We need to address this growing human, social and economic burden with a comprehensive strategy.

The National Alzheimer's Project Act (NAPA) or S. 3036/H.R. 4689 would call for the creation of a national plan to solve the Alzheimer's crisis.

The act will create a National Alzheimer's Project Office and inter-agency Advisory Council to lead a campaign within the federal government to overcome the disease.

Please tell your members of Congress to cosponsor the National Alzheimer's Project Act today.
Dear Congressperson,

More than 5.3 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease -- yet there is no plan to deal with this looming crisis. With national leadership, we can find better ways to treat the disease, delay its onset, or prevent it from developing.

As an advocate for the Alzheimer's Association and a constituent living in your district, I urge you to please cosponsor the National Alzheimer's Project Act (S. 3036/H.R. 4689) which will launch a campaign within the federal government to overcome Alzheimer's disease. This bill will create a National Alzheimer's Project Office and inter-agency Advisory Council to create a coordinated National Alzheimer's Disease Plan. The plan would comprehensively address the federal government's efforts on Alzheimer's research, clinical care, institutional services, and home- and community-based programs.
As many as 16 million Americans will have Alzheimer's disease by 205 -- this explosive growth will severely strain our families, communities, and economy. In 2010, federal health and long-term care payments for people with Alzheimer's amounted to $172 Billion -- and has the potential to grow exponentially.

Congress must act now to address the growing human, social, and economic burden of Alzheimer's disease. As your constituent, I respectfully request that you cosponsor The National Alzheimer's Project Act (S. 3036/H.R. 4689).

Thank you for your consideration.
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