Sarah Palin: Stop Blocking Efforts to Protect Polar Bears

Polar bears are starving to death, birthing fewer cubs and drowning as sea ice disappears and their search for food becomes more difficult. Scientists at the U.S. Geologic Survey say that polar bears could disappear from Alaska within 50 years, driven to extinction by habitat loss and global warming.

Our polar bears are threatened with extinction, yet Governor Sarah Palin has launched an all-out effort to eliminate protections for threatened polar bears – a move that could lead to more polar bears dying of starvation and drowning, and more being killed by wealthy trophy hunters.

As governor, Sarah Palin has been a disaster for polar bears, wolves and other wildlife. A heartbeat away from the presidency, she could do even worse. It's time for Sarah Palin to own up to the science and stop catering to Big Oil. Please sign our petition telling Governor Palin to protect polar bears.

Dear Governor Palin,

As someone who is gravely concerned about the future of America's struggling polar bears, I strongly urge you to stop obstructing vital protections for polar bears.

The U.S. Geological Survey predicts that loss of summer sea ice -- crucial habitat for polar bears -- could lead to the demise of two-thirds of the world's polar bears by mid-century, including all of Alaska's polar bears. The Bush administration has proposed listing the polar bears as threatened under the ESA to help protect polar bear habitat from threats such as oil and gas development.

Nonetheless, you have actively opposed the listing of the polar bear despite the fact that Alaska's top marine mammal biologists agreed with the federal scientists who believed the bear should be listed. You wrote to the Secretary of Interior urging him not to list the bear on the ground it might hurt the state's oil- and gas-dependent economy. After the bear was listed, you filed suit seeking to overturn the listing of polar bears.

Scientists predict that polar bears could disappear entirely from Alaska in the next 50 years. Oil companies that want to drill in polar bear habitat can wait, but our vanishing polar bears cannot. I strongly urge you to listen to the scientists at the U.S.G.S. and your own top marine mammal biologists, and stop obstructing efforts to protect polar bears from extinction.

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