Say NO to Cruel Crates for Pigs
Millions of pigs are confined inside gestation crates -- cages so small they're unable even to turn around.
The pork industry's leadership continues to defend the indefensible: Locking animals in these tiny, cramped cages. It's hard to imagine a more miserable existence than being immobilized day and night.
Please join us in calling on the pork industry to get animals out of these iron maidens: write to the National Pork Board and let them know that you say "NO" to gestation crates for pigs.
Dear [decision-maker],
It's cruel and inhumane for pork producers to immobilize pigs -- who are social, intelligent, and active animals -- in cramped gestation crates day and night for virtually their entire lives.
Please stop supporting this animal cruelty and say no to cruel crates for pigs.
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