Ban Breeding, Sales and Imports of Hybrid Wild animals

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: New Jersey Lawmakers/Legislature

It has become a practice in recent years that some people like to experiment with various animals when breeding them to create what is known as a hybrid.  Such has been the case in New Jersey where such crossbreeds include the coyote with the wolf, a wolf with a dog, domestic cats with the bobcat, the donkey with the female horse to create the mule and the cross between a male lion and female tiger.  Read story at

Many various hybrids are common throughout New Jersey although the Liger, cross between the lion and tiger no longer live there.  The efforts of this petition is to ask the lawmakers of the state to place a ban on the breeding, sale or import of hybrid animals in New Jersey.  This is not a natural way for an animal live when bred with other unrelated breeds. 

We are asking for your help on this petition by signing and sharing it in support of banning the unnatural practice of creating hybrid animals.  Such a practice is disturbing when crossbreeding animals of a combination of genes.  Help us in our efforts to keep animals with their own species and breeds as they are meant to be.

New Jersey Lawmakers/Legislature – We strongly urge you to place full ban on the breeding, sales and imports of hybrid wild animals throughout your state, fully enforcing this ban with strict repercussions.

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