Kraft-Heinz: Crack down on forced labor!

  • av: Frances D
  • mottagare: The Kraft Heinz Company

From ketchup to mayo to macaroni cheese, many of our favorite food products come from The Kraft Heinz Company. But did you know that producing the ingredients for those products could involved forced labor? Please sign this petition to ask Kraft Heinz to ensure traceability in its supply chain and that the workers that make our beloved food are given a voice to help ensure they are free from horrific exploitation.

A report into how major food companies address forced labor in their supply chains has scored the Kraft Heinz Company at a shocking 9 points out of a possible 100. Food doesn't taste so good when its made with human suffering.

So what can be done? The Know the Chain report says that "Worker Voice" is a vital key in fighting forced labor. Worker Voice is an area in which the USA food industry needs to make significant improvements. Worker voice is defined as "the extent to which a company proactively communicates with workers through its supply chain, enables freedom of association, and ensures access to effective and trusted grievance mechanisms." The report also recommends that the company considers adopting and disclosing a process to trace its supply chain to the commodity level.

Please sign this petition to demand that The Heinz Kraft Food Company improves traceability in its supply chain and ensures workers can voice their needs through a grievance process that adheres to the "effectiveness criteria" set out in the the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, so that workers are free to associate and organise to support their rights.

Together, we can let The Heinz Kraft Food Company know that their customers want an end to the use of forced labor. We don't want food contaminated with exploitation. If enough of us sign, they will have to consider steps to ensure supply chain traceability and protection of workers' rights.

The Kraft Heinz Food Company:

You recently scored just 9 out of 100 in the Know the Chain report for your incredibly limited work on ending forced labor in your supply chains. Your customers want you to do better.

Please commit to improving traceability in your supply chains and providing workers with the means to voice grievances and organise. Specifically, please ensure that grievance procedures meet the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

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