Protect the Clean Power Plan from the Trump Administration

The Trump Administration is working to entirely eliminate the Clean Power Plan—America's first-ever national limits on the carbon pollution spewing from our coal-fired power plants—in spite of the fact that large majorities of Americans in red and blue states alike support the Clean Power Plan and want swift action to implement and strengthen this vital safeguard, not tear it down.

This assault on the Clean Power Plan won't just dial up pollution—it will hurt our economy by slowing the expansion of clean energy jobs while also increasing healthcare costs and leading to thousands of lives lost.

Don't let the Trump Administration take us backwards. Tell Scott Pruitt: Revoking the Clean Power Plan is unacceptable.

Revoking the Clean Power Plan moves America in the wrong direction

Dear Administrator Pruitt,

I'm writing today to strongly oppose any attempts to revoke or weaken the Clean Power Plan, America's first-ever nationwide limits on carbon pollution from existing power plants.

Rolling back the Clean Power Plan would cost American lives and threaten the health of our communities. Large majorities of Americans in red and blue states alike support the Clean Power Plan and they want swift action to implement and strengthen this vital safeguard, not tear it down.

It would also ignore settled law that greenhouse gases are pollutants under the Clean Air Act, and that EPA has a responsibility to protect the public from this harmful pollution. In 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court found that the Clean Air Act provision that underlies the Clean Power Plan "speaks directly" to climate pollution from existing power plants.

And it undermines the powerful economic engine that is America's clean energy economy. U.S. wind facilities supply rural landowners with $222 million in revenue every year, and the solar industry employed 200,000 people in 2016, with 31,000 new jobs added just last year.

Please keep America moving forward and do not propose to revoke these crucial protections.

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