Petition NJ Legislation to Post Bill for Override - NJ Gov. Chris Christie's veto of S.1921

This bill would have banned the cruel practice of confining pigs in gestation crates.  The bill would have prevented using  any confinement method preventing pigs from turning around or laying down.  Gestation crates are cruel and inhumane.  Yet Governor Chris Christie vetoed the passed bill.
The bill, S. 1921, passed the state Assembly by a vote of 60 to 5 and the state Senate by a vote of 29 to 4 in May. It had overwhelming support by  both Democrats and Republicans.  89 percent of voters 
were in favor of Christie signing the measure into law.
Information is from: 

Please sign this petition.  Also if you have a moment a phone call to the Senate President would help greatly!  His information is: 856-251-9801 or 856-339-0808.  Email option:

Tell Chris Christie he is wrong to allow animal cruelty!!  Thank you!!  or  609-292-6000

Contact information for the Good Guys who sponsored this bill:

Lesniak, Raymond J.   as Primary Sponsor
Wilson, Gilbert L.   as Primary Sponsor
Caride, Marlene   as Primary Sponsor
Giblin, Thomas P.   as Primary Sponsor
Weinberg, Loretta   as Co-Sponsor
Clifton, Robert D.   as Co-Sponsor
McKeon, John F.   as Co-Sponsor
Jasey, Mila M.   as Co-Sponsor
Eustace, Timothy J.   as Co-Sponsor
Wagner, Connie   as Co-Sponsor
Ramos, Ruben J., Jr.   as Co-Sponsor
Russo, David C.   as Co-Sponsor
Jimenez, Angelica M.   as Co-Sponsor
Casagrande, Caroline   as Co-Sponsor
Caputo, Ralph R.   as Co-Sponsor
Barnes, Peter J., III   as Co-Sponsor
Vainieri Huttle, Valerie   as Co-Sponsor
Chivukula, Upendra J.   as Co-Sponsor
Stack, Brian P.   as Co-Sponsor


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