New York Needs an Animal Cruelty Registry

Animals are poor, defenseless beings who cannot speak out for their own protection. That’s why it is so important that people like you stand up to protect them in New York by setting up a registry of known animal abusers.  

Like child abusers and sex offenders, those who abuse and neglect animals should face serious, lifetime consequences. To prevent serial animal abusers from repeatedly victimizing vulnerable creatures, areas of New York have considered creating local registries of animal abusers. But to be most effective, such a registry needs to be statewide.

That’s where YOU come in.

If you believe that any person convicted of animal abuse, cruelty or abandonment of any sort should be prevented from owning or overseeing animal care in New York, please sign my petition and encourage state leaders in Albany to implement and strictly enforce an animal cruelty registry that will help to protect these voiceless, defenseless animals statewide.

New York State Legislators – Various discussions have been ongoing throughout your state regarding methods of stopping animal abuse and cruelty, including the possibility of an animal cruelty registry.  I encourage you to move forward with a decision to create a database, much similar in stature to that of the sex offender and others that works to protect.  Anyone guilty of abusing or neglecting an animal in any manner needs to be listed on this database for a lifetime with continual personal updating.  Additionally, such abusers should be banned from ever owning, caring for or working with animals for the rest of their lives.  If serious steps are not taken immediately, the abuse, cruelty and neglect will never stop.  The hope is that steps are taken state-by-state until such a database goes national.

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