Help Fight the Global Mental Health Crisis for Kids

Due to the pandemic, global levels of poverty are on the rise while mental health is declining — especially amongst kids.

14% of the world's children struggle with mental health disorders, yet less than 1% of global health assistance has ever been designated to address it.

We have a chance to change that. The MINDS Act is the first ever legislation to address mental health in U.S. foreign assistance. If passed, the bill would codify the position of USAID Coordinator for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS), require the Department of State and USAID to integrate MHPSS programming across regional bureaus and missions and require the Executive Branch to report to Congress on how much the US government is spending in order to address gaps and barriers to MHPSS programming.

Currently, 429 million of the world's children are living in areas affected by conflict, posing a substantial risk to the long-term mental and physical health of the next generation. And, the pandemic is only making matters worse. Now is the time to act to ensure kids get the care they need.

Send a message to your members of Congress: co-sponsor the MINDS Act to ensure kids around the world grow up happy and healthy.
COVID-19 triggered an unprecedented mental health crisis — especially amongst kids. Global levels of poverty and hunger are on the rise, and school closures have subjected millions of children to domestic violence, abuse and neglect.

As a result, 14% of the world's children and adolescents are struggling with depression, anxiety and other stress-related conditions. Strong mental health and psychosocial well-being are essential to kids' development, yet less than 1% of global health assistance has ever been designated to address it.

We have a chance to change that. I'm writing to urge you to co-sponsor the Mental Health in International Development and Humanitarian Settings (MINDS) Act for the millions of children in urgent need of support.

The MINDS Act is the first ever legislation to address mental health in U.S. foreign assistance. If passed, the bill would codify the position of USAID Coordinator for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS), require the Department of State and USAID to integrate MHPSS programming across regional bureaus and missions and require the Executive Branch to brief Congress on barriers to MHPSS programming.

Investments in mental health can help break cycles of poverty and build the resilience of vulnerable communities. I hope you'll co-sponsor the MINDS Act (H.R. 3988/S.2015) to ensure kids around the world grow up happy and healthy – and continue to thrive in adulthood.
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