We the people demand our right to know the facts.

Please tell the truth, and stop intimidating journalist.

Dear Mr. George Bush;

We the people, have a right to know the truth.

We want you to answer the questions by the Hon. Rep. Conyers and 89 other members of congress, concerning the Blair/ Downing Street memo, your plans for the invasion of Iraq, and the actions you took distort information, to advance your preconceived agenda.

We want to know why  Scott McClellan your press secretary, blamed Newsweek magazine, for the actions of policemen in Iraq shooting and killing 15 protesters. Military officials appear to refute your claims, that a statement in the magazine referring to an investigation, of possible disrespect, and inappropriate behavior of an interrogator resulted in this violence.

We want to know who planned this course of action, apparently to further intimidate our media.  As a democracy a free and non-partisan media is critical.

We further implore you to encourage  unencumbered,  investigations into the anomalies of the 2004 presidential elections. Please allow the investigators to examine the vast amount of documentation by voter's rights groups and University professors.

Please make a public statement encourage the media to explore this documentation and report it, without concern of retribution from your administration.  We can not have real voter reform, nor restore faith in our democracy without a free press and fair elections.

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