U.S. Senate Inquiry into President Eisenhower’s Meeting With Extraterrestrials on Feb 20-21, 1954

  • av: Michael E. Salla, Ph.D
  • mottagare: Richard G. Lugar Joseph R. Biden, Chairman, Ranking Minority Member, U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
This petition calls for an open inquiry by the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee into President Eisenhower’s alleged meeting with extraterrestrial ambassadors on February 20-21, 1954; and for full Congressional immunity from all penalties for those revealing classified information, on President Eisenhower’s meeting.
On February 20, 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower made an unscheduled departure from the Palm Springs resort where he was holidaying and returned on the morning of February 21. The President’s press spokesperson claimed that President Eisenhower’s absence was caused by the need for emergency dental treatment. On the other hand, there have been a number of allegations and supporting testimonies that the true reason for his absence was to secretly meet with a delegation of extraterrestrial ambassadors at Edwards Air Force Base. These allegations also suggest that the meeting was the first in a series that resulted in an agreement with that or other extraterrestrial races.

There are significant deficiencies in the official explanation of President Eisenhower’s visit to the dentist, suggesting that he was elsewhere performing activities that were classified and continue to remain so despite their having occurred over 50 years ago. The serious political implications of the claims that President Eisenhower had a meeting with extraterrestrial ambassadors at Edwards AFB, and that this initiated a process that resulted in an agreement with this or other extraterrestrial races warrants an investigation of what truly occurred on the night and morning in question.

An investigation of the claim that President Eisenhower was treated by a dentist on the night in question has been independently investigated and concluded to be cover story (see http://www.presidentialufo.com/ike&the.htm). A February 19, 2004, article in the Washington Post presented the alternative claim that the real reason was that President Eisenhower was meeting with extraterrestrial ambassadors (see http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A53203-2004Feb18.html or http://groups.yahoo.com/group/armageddon-or-newage/message/33078). For a detailed evaluation of the evidence that President Eisenhower met a delegation of extraterrestrial ambassadors at Edwards Air Force base, see http://exopolitics.org/Study-Paper-8.htm

This petition calls for an open inquiry by the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee into President Eisenhower’s alleged meeting with extraterrestrial ambassadors on the night and morning of February 20 and 21, 1954, respectively. The petition calls for full Congressional immunity from all legal and financial penalties for those revealing information, classified or otherwise, on President Eisenhower’s activities on the dates in question. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee is also called upon to provide resources for the physical protection of any individuals who are willing to testify in such an open inquiry.

We the undersigned do hereby give our full support for a U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Inquiry into President Eisenhower’s alleged meeting with extraterrestrial ambassadors on February 20-21, 1954.
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