Tell Governor Brown to Save Bobcats

Currently, trappers can kill unlimited numbers of bobcats in California between November and January -- all for the commercial fur trade, where beautiful bobcat fur gets snatched up in places like China and Russia. Bobcat trapping is even legal along the borders of national parks and other protected areas.
This commercial trapping is not only inhumane; it also hurts California's beautiful and ecologically important wild places.
But there's hope for our bobcats: Assembly Bill 1213, known as the Bobcat Protection Act of 2013, would limit commercial trapping of bobcats in California. It includes an immediate prohibition of bobcat trapping around Joshua Tree National Park and directs the California Fish and Game Commission to institute further protections.
A.B. 1213 has already passed the California legislature -- it's up to Governor Brown's to sign this bill into law.
Please take action now and call on the governor to protect California's bobcats and sign A.B. 1213
Governor Brown:
I am writing to urge you to help limit commercial trapping of California's bobcats by signing Assembly Bill 1213 (Bloom), know as the Bobcat Protection Act of 2013.
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A.B. 1213 would end the state's unlawful subsidy of fur trapping. It would prevent trappers from luring bobcats out of our national and state parks to be trapped and killed for the international fur trade, and the bill will also protect the rights of landowners who don't want trappers coming onto their land.
A.B. 1213 is an important step in restoring the balance between the millions of Californian who value our wildlife and the handful of trappers who make a private profit from the exploitation of this irreplaceable public resource. Bobcats are worth far more to California's ecology and economy alive than as coats and slippers overseas.
Thank you.
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