Demand Stricter Tethering Laws for Clinton & Highland County in Ohio! We have to be their Voice!

  • av: Tammy Sheridan
  • mottagare: Implement an Ordinance either in existing or create a new one to cover definition of tethering in extreme weather.

I am asking for you to sign this petition, share it forward. Be Their Voice

Currently, Ohio does not have sufficient tethering laws to protect our animals from extreme weather conditions. Be provided with adequate shelter from extreme heat or cold weather conditions.
Clinton County or Highland County in Ohio needs to step up to the plate and follow suit like other counties are doing.
Propose they incorporate City/County Ordinances to protect our animals and those of our neighbors from being tethered in extreme conditions. Incorporate stricter punishment under said ordinance
The Commissioners have this authority to incorporate stricter guidelines.
Counties change their ordinances for dangerous dogs but they need to include tethering laws into that ordinance.
If the dog gets no human interaction from their owner that is inhumane
If the dog does not have shelter to escape extreme weather conditions (heat or cold)that is inhumane
If the dog does not have access to adequate food and water that is inhumane.
If a dog is left outside 24/7 that is inhumane

The Current Law ORC 159.131 defines 

D(2) Deprive the companion animal of necessary sustenance or confine the companion animal without supplying it during the confinement with sufficient quantities of good, wholesome food and water if it can reasonably be expected that the companion animal would become sick or suffer in any other way as a result of or due to the deprivation or confinement;

D(3) Impound or confine the companion animal without affording it. during the impoundment or confinement, with access to shelter from heat, cold, wind, rain, snow, or excessive direct sunlight if it can reasonably be expected that the companion animal would become sick or suffer in any other way as a result of or due to the lack of adequate shelter.

Our Counties need to enforce the current Law and implement clearer in the definition in an ordinance either existing or create a new one specifically to tethering. Institute stricter penalties! 

Key Items to learn about, present to our local representatives
Cities changing Ordinance to protect during extreme weather conditions


Current State law (C, D) section
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