Save the Warmest Winter Farming Soils on the Eastern Seaboard. Ask for a Building Moratorium

  • av: United PBC
  • mottagare: Residents of Palm Beach County, Florida and beyond

One of the critical natural resources in Palm Beach County, Florida, U.S., in which taxpayers invested over $100 million, is the unique and productive farmland in the Agricultural Reserve -- an area of irreplaceable sandy soils ideal for growing tomatoes, bell peppers, squash and dozens of other vegetables in the winter months.

Because this farming soil is warmed by the Gulf Stream, it hasn't had a hard freeze in 60 years according to county researchers. This allows for two and sometimes three plantings over the winter months. These locally grown vegetables feed our area as well as folks up and down the East Coast.

The Agricultural Reserve is now under threat of massive residential and commercial building on these prized farmlands. Help us tell our elected officials that the people know best.

Please sign our petition and urge County Commissioners to impose an immediate Building Moratorium in the Ag Reserve until formal, independent economic impact studies are conducted.

United Palm Beach County, Inc. is a not-for-profit grassroots organization founded by and for citizens who want a voice in protecting critical land, water, and natural resources in Palm Beach County, Florida from short-sighted development decisions.

I urge Palm Beach County Commissioners to impose an immediate Building Moratorium in the Ag Reserve until formal, independent economic impact studies are conducted. 

Uppdatera #19 år sedan
Please share with your networks to keep the signatures and incisive comments coming! - UnitedPBC
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