Boycott the Rush Limbaugh Show

Dear Republican Elected Official;

I oppose Rush Limbaugh's ignorant, vile and misinformed remarks geared toward the women of this country.  

As a well known national "shock jock", Rush Limbaugh has repeatedly pushed the boundaries of civil discourse by hurtful, hateful, racist, sexist and bigoted remarks. 

With his recent remarks calling all women who take birth control "sluts" he has crossed the line.   This backwards rhetoric, hurts all women of this country, and Rush Limbaugh's attempt to stifle speech on this important topic of women's reproductive health, is unacceptable. 

As you well know, women make up half of your constituency, and are mother's, daughters, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, friends, business owners, peers, teachers, doctors, nurses, bankers, lawyers, role models, etc...  

As your constituent, and neighbor, I am calling on you to reject Rush Limbaugh's attack on women and pledge to never be a guest on his radio show again.


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