Repeal Proposition 8: Don't Back Down!

The California Supreme Court brings bitter news: Proposition 8 will stand.

While we take some solace that the loving couples who did marry in California will stay married, one million more have been denied that dignity and right.

We are heartbroken. But we won't back down.

We need to work relentlessly, organizing communities of faith and other allies across the state, until Prop. 8 is repealed. It will be a challenge -- but the momentum of history is on our side.

People from around the country have sent in beautiful images and messages of support to HRC. We'd like to share those with you now in a video that expresses both the profound hurt and the fierce resolve to reverse Prop. 8. Look into the eyes of the people, LGBT and straight, who stand in solidarity today. Watch the video and help us fight for marriage equality in California and across the country.
In the end, we are sure that equality will triumph over discrimination, because we will never, ever back down. Wherever you may live, pledge to join the fight. Pledge to help repeal Proposition 8.
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