Urge Your Senators To Support the END Wildlife Trafficking Act And Save Endangered Species

Killing an elephant, a tiger, or a rhino is a heinous crime. But right now, gaps in law enforcement mean too many poachers get away, letting criminal networks profit off the suffering and death of endangered wildlife.

These defenseless creatures can't protect themselves from the bullets, poisons, and traps humans set for them. But together, we can.

Legislation has been introduced in the U.S. Senate that will seriously strengthen law enforcement efforts against poachers and wildlife trafficking. The sooner this bill becomes law the more animals we'll save, but with so many competing priorities on Capitol Hill we need a strong show of support to move it forward.

With an estimated 96 elephants killed per day in Africa, we can't afford any delay.

Sign the petition and tell your Senators to crack down on the illegal killing of wildlife by passing the END Wildlife Trafficking Act.
Dear Senators,

As your constituent and a supporter of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), I am writing to request that you support Senate passage of H.R. 2494, the Eliminate, Neutralize, and Disrupt (END) Wildlife Trafficking. H.R. 2494 was passed with strong bipartisan support in the House last year and Senators Coons and Flake have introduced companion legislation, which has been marked up in Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Poaching and trafficking operations are growing in scale and sophistication, threatening the extinction of some of our most iconic species. It is estimated that 96 elephants are gunned down every day by poachers in Africa -- some 35,000 each year. At current rates, Central Africa's forest elephants could be extinct in the wild within ten years. Rhinos, tigers, and other endangered species face similar threats. Transnational organized crime syndicates are actively involved in wildlife trafficking, an illicit industry including the illegal trade in ivory and rhino horn that generates billions of dollars each year. By some estimates, wildlife trafficking is the fourth largest illicit industry, behind only trafficking in drugs, weapons, and humans.

The U.S. is playing a valuable role in supporting on-the-ground efforts to combat wildlife trafficking overseas. The END Wildlife Trafficking Act is an important bill because it bolsters efforts to better equip wildlife law enforcement and park rangers, often the first line of defense against poachers, traffickers and organized criminal syndicates benefiting from the illegal trade in wildlife. The U.S. and its partners are serious about cracking down on wildlife crime.

Please support Senate passage of this bipartisan legislation to prevent poaching and trafficking that is fueling terrorist networks and threatening iconic wildlife species with extinction.

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