Tell REI to drop Vista outdoor products #draintheNRA

Brief update: REI has suspended orders of Vista products!  See their statement here.

More updates on the way!


Tell REI to stop carrying Vista products: Bell, Giro, Camelbak and others. Please note if you are an REI member in the comment section.

Ever heard of Vista Outdoor? It's a $3 billion company that owns something like 50 brands. More than 75 percent of its business comes from gun and ammo sales—it's one of the biggest ammo companies around. But in 2015, in a bid to diversify its holdings, Vista started buying non-shooting outdoors and bike companies. Vista now owns Camelbak, Giro, Bell Helmets, Bollé, Camp Chef, and Blackburn, among other brands.

Vista is a huge NRA supporter.

In a 2016 article, Mother Jones magazine linked a rapid rise in Vista's fortunes to a rush to purchase arms following mass shootings in the U.S. Vista has also spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on lobbying at the federal level for defense appropriations, and they've fought hard against the Toxic Substances Control Act in recent years. Vista also sponsors a PAC that has supported political efforts to allow concealed carry of handguns across state lines. 

These are NOT the values of the REI Co-Op. As an REI Co-Op member, I'm asking my favorite outdoor retailer to take a firm stand and stop profitting from companies that promote and manufactor assault weapons. Sign and share my petition and urge REI to stand by their values and drop all Vista brands.  #REIdropVista #BoycottVistaOutdoor

Uppdatera #27 år sedan
We did it! REI has suspended orders from Vista and put out this statement. Let's express our gratitude & support for REI.

But REI is leaving a door open to Vista. Personally, I'll never buy another Vista product as long as they make guns & ammo. Tell REI that we expect them to hold the line even if Vista does propose bandaid solutions to our national gun violence problem. Ask your local shops to #BoycottVistaOutdoor!
Uppdatera #17 år sedan
Amazing! Canadian outdoor retailer MEC just dropped all Vista brands! REI can do this too!
Please keep sharing this petition on Twitter and Facebook. Use #REIdropVista #BoycottVistaOutdoor in your posts. Make your voice heard on REI's contact page, too: Social media: and @rei on twitter. They also have facebook pages for stores in different cities. Thank you all!

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