They Broke It, They Pay For It: Make Fossil Fuel Companies Pay for Climate Damage at COP29

Join us at Global Witness as we try to persuade world leaders at the 2024 United Nations COP29 climate summit to take a stand. To hold fossil fuel companies accountable by requiring them to contribute to the Loss and Damage Fund.

More than anyone else, it's the fossil fuel industry who is responsible for this climate crisis. It's their oil, gas and coal that make up nearly 90% of all carbon emissions. We believe it's time to end this injustice and make fossil fuel companies pay for the damage they've done.

One of the big achievements of recent rounds of climate talks has been the creation of a 'Loss and Damage Fund' – set up to help deal with climate disasters in poorer parts of the world. So far, just 0.01% has been pledged of the expected cost of climate disasters in developing countries in the year 2030 alone.

By calling on fossil fuel companies to pay into the Loss and Damage fund, we can help ensure crucial resources for recovery and resilience get to affected communities.

COP29 is a critical opportunity for real change, and we can ensure that much-needed support reaches those on the frontlines of this crisis. Together, we can advocate for justice and repair for our world.

We invite you to join us in supporting Global Witness's vision for accountability at COP29.  Sign this petition to raise our voices together and stand with those most impacted by climate change.

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