To release the Names, Occupations and Research of the complete 1600 Nazi Scientists brought to the U

  • av: Thomas Murphy
  • mottagare: The President, the House, Senate and Legistlature

To release the Names, Occupations and Research of the Complete 1600 Nazi Scientists who were brought to the United States and given sanctuary here after WWII!

Because they were responsible for the deaths of 400,000 Americans in WWII and were given sanctuary in the United States. And because my father served in WWII and received the Purple Heart Medal. Also because I think some of them might have been involved in research on how to create a mentally ill person out of someone who isn't(i.e. for profit psychiatry); we already know they engaged in horrific forms of TORTURE along those lines. One could say that their research really involved psychological trauma! Were some of those 1600 psychiatrists? We have a right to know! We also have a right to know if any of them were involved in technology that could be used to create trauma or those that had the signs and symptoms of mental illness! We only know the identities of a very few of that 1600!

We have a right to know!

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