Stop killing helpless stray dogs who will be massacred inhumanely while killing bitter dogs in karna

  • av: Poulomi Banerjee
  • mottagare: Chief justice(Karnataka High court) Mr Vikramjit Sen.

This is regarding an article passed in "The Times of India"-KILL DOGS WHICH BITES as on 8th December 2012.
We have already witnessed how brutally the dogs were being killed in kerala some couple of months back for the sake of beautification of the city.Killing is no solve,Nuetering,treating locating are much wiser ways of solving such an issue. We cant punish the whole human race for the sake of one sinner.
 So please make sure while picking up the bitter ones no innocent dogs should be punished so brutally otherwise we cant be judged as the apex creatures of gods creation.All i am asking is that human ways of solving such an issue.

 Please do follow this url,you will find how inhumanely the puppies are being killed without any reason.
 Follow how inhuman mankind can be-
 So please its an appeal altogether that the kerala menace shoudnt be repeated otherwise it will be shameful to call us as human beings without the slightest of humanity being left with us.

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