Draft Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert

America, the time has come to start a new chapter in our country's history. A chapter of enlightenment, fairness and strength that will be a beacon to all peoples through out the world. I can think of only two great men who can lead us into this bold new future… Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. These bold men our are country's greatest hope and, with our help, will lead us to a new and shining America. Join Us as we put out the call to Elect Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert to be the next President and Vice-President of the United States.
Jon & Stephen,
    I believe that you are the only hope for America.  America needs you to stand up and fight for what is good and truthy.  So, I pledge to support you when you hear the call to service and take up the fight for America.

    Please run for President.
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