Support Animal Shelters

Animal shelters across the country have incredibly important work to do. There is a huge need for their services, and often not the funding. Whether it's a small horse rescue or a full-service multi-pet shelter, they all have their part to play in saving the lives of thousands of animals.

These shelters also have ambitious goals: many shelters are desperately trying to adopt all of their animals to good families, reduce pet overpopulation, fund medical treatment to keep their animals safe and rescue animals that have been abandoned or abused.

American Humane Association is working with shelters across the country to get them the resources they need. But they can't do it alone.

Today, show your support for your local animal shelter and shelters across the country. Pledge to support them, whether that means volunteering, adopting or donating. The more help they get, the more animals they are able to save.
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