Don't Let Global Warming Take Out Our Irreplaceable Wildlife

The Endangered Species Act is our nation's most powerful safety net to protect imperiled wildlife, like the mountain-dwelling pika, from climate change and many other threats. The small furry pika makes its home at high elevations where it enjoys the cold. When exposed to temperatures over 80 degrees, they tend to overheat and die.

Now after a long battle, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has agreed to assess whether the pika warrants protection under the Endangered Species Act! This makes the pika the first mammal outside of Alaska to be considered for protection due to threats from global warming.

Animals threatened by global warming need more protection than only one group can provide, however. Tell Congress to save the pika and other wildlife threatened by global warming. The action is part of Irreplaceable - a unique campaign that brings together groups from the worlds of art, justice, science and faith. These groups show that people from all walks of life are uniting to protect wildlife such as gray whales, grizzly bears and whooping cranes from global warming.
Dear [Decision maker],

The diversity of life on this earth is awe-inspiring and beautiful. But it is also at risk.

Mounting evidence indicates that climate change will be a major cause of extinctions, and many plants and animals are being affected already. This is an ethical, ecological, and economic problem that must be addressed - both by stemming global warming and by helping the most imperiled species.

I care about habitat, plants, and animals injured by climate change for various reasons. Some people approach this crucial issue from an ecological standpoint, others from a firm belief that our faith calls us to care about creation and the web of life, and others for economic, aesthetic, moral, or recreational reasons. Some are compelled by all these concerns.

Regardless of motivations, we all are troubled about species such as polar bears losing their habitat as sea ice disappears; Pacific salmon facing the dual threat of rising sea temperatures and diminished stream flows; moose and lobsters more vulnerable to disease in warming weather and waters; whooping cranes struggling as key food sources and suitable habitat disappear; and many species, including the American pika, sugar maple, and monarch butterfly, dealing with shifting habitat due to climate change.

We are part of this web of life and the natural systems that support it. Ecosystems and their diverse species provide clean air and water, healthy soil, food, medicines, and economic benefits. Moreover, we are not immune to the effects of climate change - such as rising seas, destructive storms, spreading disease, and diminishing fresh water and food supplies.

We have a choice to protect species, to raise our voices for the voiceless. In so doing, we have the opportunity to fulfill our responsibility to safeguard future generations and much of the wonder of this world.

Therefore, I call on our policymakers to work together to ensure that species imperiled by climate change are protected. If we join together, we can take action, grounded in science and fueled by moral imperatives, to help irreplaceable plants and wildlife.

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