Tell Prime Minister Trudeau to trump TransCanada’s Energy East tar sands pipeline

With President Trump in the White House, our climate is at risk more than ever. Prime Minister Trudeau must stand up to the President and his reckless fossil fuel agenda. The federal government should safeguard and fulfill Canada’s climate commitments – and stop TransCanada tar sands pipeline projects like Keystone XL and Energy East and the massive carbon pollution they would unlock.

That means revisiting the 2010 approval for Keystone XL, granted in the dark ages of Canada’s climate policies. The federal government must also hit the brakes on Energy East, another massive pipeline proposal. Keystone XL and Energy East would each put our land and water at risk, and make it impossible for Canada to reach its climate goals.

Energy East would put communities from Alberta to New Brunswick at risk, directly threatening the drinking water of over 5 million Canadians. It would also lead to a dramatic increase in oil tanker traffic off Canada’s east coast, risking harm to endangered whales.

The federal government must stand up to President Trump and show climate leadership by stopping risky TransCanada tar sands pipelines.

Take action: Tell Prime Minister Trudeau to trump TransCanada’s Energy East tar sands pipeline.
Target: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Cc: Natural Resources Minister Jim Carr
Cc: Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,

I am deeply concerned about TransCanada’s risky Energy East pipeline proposal to ship tar sands oil across Canada and put our land, water and climate at risk. The federal government should show climate leadership, not support President Trump and his fossil fuel agenda.

Energy East would put the drinking water of over 5 million Canadians in hundreds of communities at the risk of a tar sands oil spill. Dramatically increased tanker traffic would threaten Canada’s iconic Bay of Fundy and its endangered whales.

Just one spill from Energy East could poison drinking water supplies, damage local economies and harm Canadians’ health. Canadians and First Nations communities in the pipeline’s path would face all of the risks, but get little benefit.

I support Canada’s Paris commitment to strive and keep global warming below 1.5 degrees. But approving more tar sands pipelines would break these climate commitments, as President Trump has promised to do.

You have an opportunity to speed up Canada’s transition to a clean energy economy, not deepen our dependence on fossil fuels like President Trump wants to do.

Energy East’s risks far outweigh the benefits. I join with thousands of Canadians across the country and urge you to trump TransCanada’s tar sands pipeline. Say NO to Energy East.


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