This Country's Humane Approach to Stray Animals Is an Inspiration. More Countries Should Follow Suit.

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Governments of the US, UK, India, and Japan
While some governments around the world view street dogs as a nuisance, not something to be invested in, the Kingdom of Bhutan did something wonderfully different - and wonderfully humane.

After a decade-long project requiring significant investment, time, and effort, Bhutan has become the first nation in the entire world to have fully vaccinated and sterilized these stray animals!

In the process, Bhutan became a leader in the global campaign to humanely promote human and animal welfare! Now more countries must follow suit.

Spay and neuter programs are extremely important because they reduce the number of unhoused, hungry animals wandering the streets and facing harsh conditions. Street animals live dangerous lives, subsisting on scraps that may or may not be healthy for them, and enduring harsh weather conditions, as well as the constant threat of injury or death from vehicles. Without consistent food, shelter, or medical care, these animals live difficult lives.

Instead of resorting to euthanasia or other deadly measures, these programs aim to control the population and provide care for existing strays in a compassionate way.

Vaccinating street animals is also important in order to protect public health. Unvaccinated and unaltered animals can spread diseases, such as rabies, to humans and other animals. Spaying and neutering programs typically include vaccinations, which not only protect the animals but also help prevent the transmission of diseases to the human population.

The Kingdom of Bhutan has shown that investing years and financial resources into a compassionate spray-and-release program, as well as systematic vaccination, can promote animals' and humans' health. If Bhutan can do it, so can other countries!

Sign the petition urging the governments of major geopolitical leaders, including the United States, United Kingdom, India, and Japan, to implement a similar program!
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