Ron DeSantis Wants To Pit Private Citizens Against Each Other To Prevent Florida's Schools From Talking About Race

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Florida State Legislature

In fall of 2021, a piece of Texas legislation created an abortion bounty system, "effectively deputiz[ing] random citizens" against others who seek abortions. Under this law, it's not just people who need abortions that can be sued, but also clinics, doctors, and even people who drive another person to get the procedure. As if this wasn't dystopian enough, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is applying this same model to critical race theory with a ridiculous new bill.

Sign now to demand that Florida legislators vote down this wildly unnecessary and harmful bounty system bill!

DeSantis's recent actions are obviously just a political stunt to perpetuate "culture war" stereotypes about critical race theory, since critical race theory is not actually being taught in public schools in Florida (and almost exclusively taught in specialized law programs or graduate school). In fact, this law is part of a wave of legislation sweeping the country attempting to characterize any discussion of race or the experiences of people of color in public school as critical race theory. But it is crucial that all students learn actual history – not just the parts written by white colonizers or slave-owners.

On top of the consequences for our education system, this bill sets a dangerous precedent for all bounty-style bills across the country. Deputizing random citizens against one another creates hostile cultures of fear and distrust -- the opposite of promoting the community well-being and support needed in the midst of a global pandemic. Of course, these bills also just give the GOP a loophole where average citizens can be the enforcers of their desperate attempts to enact misogynistic and racist policies. 

This bill is called the "Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees Act" – yes, you read that right, the Stop WOKE Act. Florida legislators must stop DeSantis's bounty fantasy in its tracks, and ensure that Florida students can indeed still learn the basic parts of history that DeSantis and other GOP legislators do not want their constituents to hear about -- you know, like slavery, and the genocide of Native Americans. Sign the petition now if you agree!
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