Keep Plastic Bags Off Our Beaches
As many of us prepare to head to the beach this summer, we're hoping that you can help us stop a bad bill (S434) which would repeal the Outer Banks' plastic bag ban and put sea turtles in danger.
North Carolina's Outer Banks are home to some of the most important sea turtle nesting areas on the East Coast. Often times sea turtles will mistake plastic bags for jellyfish - their main food source - and ingest them, causing digestive blockage, which can lead to death. The danger to wildlife is just one of the many reasons why lawmakers should vote to keep this ban in place.
Dear Representative,
Please oppose any legislation that would repeal the Outer Banks' plastic bag ban. The locally supported plastic bag ban keeps our beaches clean and North Carolina’s wildlife safe. The goal of this measure is to preserve a clean local environment in order to keep visitors coming back to our state's beautiful beaches. Litter is bad for tourism and plastic bags pose a real hazard to sea turtles and other wildlife.
I urge you to oppose any legislation that tries to repeal the plastic bag ban.
Thank you.
[Your Name Here]
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