Thank American Humane for Rescue and Care of Puppy Mill Victims!

  • av: Care2
  • mottagare: American Humane Association
For nearly a month, American Humane's Red Star Emergency Services Team was in Buxton, Maine working with other local and national animal welfare organizations at the site of an unlicensed dog-breeding facility, or puppy mill.

There were 259 dogs seized from the facility as well as several new litters of puppies. Their 82-foot-long Rescue Rig's state-of-the-art surgical unit allowed for quick response to injuries, eliminating the need for painful transport to a distant clinic.

American Humane's Animal Emergency Services Team has contributed to the rescue of countless animals from disasters. They provide care to injured animals, reunite the animals with their families, ensure that animal shelters are sufficient and distribute pet food and supplies.

Thank American Humane for their assistance in Buxton, Maine, and for their continued work helping animals during disasters!

Dear American Humane,

Thank you and your Red Star Animal Emergency Services team for your work in Buxton, Maine.

Puppy mills are sad and disturbing, and it is so reassuring to know that there are organizations like yours that provide the necessary care for these poor sick animals.

In addition, I very much appreciate your continuing work to shut down all of these horrific puppy mills.

Thank you.

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