Tell Congress: Oppose Legislation That Threatens Our Rivers & Safety

Congress recently introduced a bill, H.R. 6247, that would jeopardize jobs, public safety and the outdoor recreation industry that is so critical to communities all across the nation.
This bill would:
- Harm rivers and wildlife and threaten public safety by prohibiting federal funds to be used to remove or study the removal of any hydropower dam -- even unsafe dams that the dam owner and the local community want to remove.
- Slow job growth and hurt businesses by bringing river restoration to a screeching half and in some areas stopping growth in commercial and recreational fishing.
- Create an expensive new subsidy that would not only allow private groups to build new dams, whether or not they are in the public interest, but taxpayers would have to reimburse the full cost.
Tell Congress to oppose this extreme bill that would halt river restoration in communities nationwide, harm rivers and wildlife and hurt local economies.
Dear Representative,
As a supporter of American Rivers, I am asking you to vote NO on H.R. 6247, introduced by Rep. Doc Hastings, Chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee. This extreme legislation would roll back nearly a century of environmental protections for rivers, block federal funding for conservation groups who exercise their constitutional right to challenge the federal government's decisions, and provide massive taxpayer-funded giveaways.
[Your comments will be inserted here.]
H.R. 6247 would slow job growth and hurt businesses that depend on healthy river. It would harm rivers and wildlife while threatening public safety. It would also increase, not reduce, federal spending and undermine free speech and the rule of law.
For these reasons, I am asking you to oppose H.R. 6247. Please respond and let me know where you stand on this extreme piece of anti-environmental legislation.
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