Pardon innocent man Brian D. Hill in Virginia

Under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Article I, Section 12 of Virginia's Constitution: we Petition the Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin to grant an ABSOLUTE PARDON on Brian David Hill for his charged crime on September 21, 2018, because Brian D. Hill is ACTUALLY INNOCENT of his charged crime, and a conviction is a fraud in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is a crime to have false information in a police report, even police filing false information in a criminal charge and in a police report is a crime in Virginia. It is also a crime against God.

See the evidence for yourself when deciding to vote in this petition: (This evidence can be viewed by anybody, social security number redacted. This evidence is proof for any investigator. Proof Brian Hill is innocent of his charged crime and deserves a absolute pardon).

Governor Glenn Youngkin is obligated under the Law of God and Jesus Christ, God mandates that innocent people not be convicted of a charged crime that person is innocent of. Convicting an innocent man or woman with a crime is bearing false witness, it is a sin for the Commonwealth of Virginia to convict an individual of a crime that the person is innocent of that charged crime.

Therefore Governor Youngkin has a duty to acquit this innocent man with a Absolute Pardon. He is innocent. It is time for the American people to act as a GRAND JURY to vote for the acquittal of Brian David Hill.

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