Canada: End Captivity for Whales and Dolphins

Groundbreaking legislation has been introduced in Canada by Senator Wilfred Moore that would effectively make keeping whales and dolphins illegal.

The legislation, Ending the Captivity of Whales and Dolphins Act, will ban captive breeding, imports, exports and live captures of all whales, dolphins and porpoises in Canada, with exceptions for situations involving the rescue of injured animals.

Moore cited a number of reasons behind his efforts from social isolation and stress caused by captivity, in addition to calling the process of removing of individuals from the wild "disturbing."

Despite the industry's best efforts to convince us captivity needs to continue to support education and conservation efforts, we know that even with the best of intentions we can never meet the needs of these far-ranging, intelligent and social animals. To continue confining them is nothing short of cruelty.

Please sign this petition urging Canadian lawmakers to help set the stage for a future where we respect and protect cetaceans in the wild by passing this important piece of legislation.

As someone who is concerned with animal welfare and the plight of marine mammals in captivity, I was thrilled to hear legislation has been introduced in Canada that would make keeping them illegal.

The recently introduced legislation, Ending the Captivity of Whales and Dolphins Act, will effectively phase out captivity by banning captive breeding, imports, exports and live captures of all whales, dolphins and porpoises in Canada, with exceptions for situations involving the rescue of injured animals.

Even with the best of intentions, we know for certain now that we can never meet the needs of these far-ranging, intelligent and social animals in captivity. While we may not be able to undo the injustice that many have suffered as a result of confinement, we can act now to ensure a future where they live freely and we focus education and conservation efforts on protecting them and their habitats in the wild.   

I sincerely hope you will support this groundbreaking legislation and that more countries will follow the compassionate leadership being demonstrated with the introduction of this bill.

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