Trump's Government is Already Planning Its Attack on Food Programs for Hungry Families and Other Social Safety Nets!

In a truly shameful move that only the Grinch could respect, Republicans have been spending their holiday season planning on how to take away food from the needy, shelter from the vulnerable, and healthcare from the sick.

Specifically, they are pushing to slash funding to programs like SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), popularly known as food stamps, along with Medicaid which provides healthcare for low income folks, and TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), formerly welfare.

These are vital support programs that help families survive, and they are under attack!

Sign the petition to tell conservatives in Congress: stop attacking our lifelines!

The people who depend on these programs are not looking for handouts, they are simply trying to make ends meet. They are single mothers working two jobs, seniors on fixed incomes, and families who are one paycheck away from disaster. These programs provide the safety net that allows them to keep their heads above water. Cutting these services would push millions deeper into poverty and strip them of their dignity and safety.

SNAP alone helps over 41 million people in the U.S. get food on the table each month. The majority of those who benefit from SNAP are women, many of them women of color. Women are often the main caregivers for kids, meaning that gutting these programs will overwhelmingly affect women and children.

Advocates for gender-based justice also fear what these cuts could do to women who are survivors of domestic and sexual violence, struggling to find a way out or a way to rebuild. These programs provide more than just financial aid, they provide a way to "establish basic economic stability."

Slashes to TANF and Medicaid would be equally as devastating. TANF benefits hundreds of thousands of people in need by providing cash assistance, while Medicaid is vitally helpful in paying for medical care that recipients simply cannot afford. Funding for these programs is literally a matter of life or death!

We can't let Republicans make cuts to these social support programs, which are already criminally underfunded. The most vulnerable in our society should not be sacrificed for political games. We must come together and demand that Congress protect SNAP, Medicaid, and TANF for those who need them most. It's time to raise our voices and stand up for the families who are fighting for survival.

Sign the petition now to demand that Congress stand up for the hungry, the sick, and the struggling, and stop the attacks on the programs that provide for them!
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