Train Teachers to Recognize Child Sexual Abuse

In the United States alone, child sexual abuse (CSA) will affect more than one in four girls and one in six boys by the time they are eighteen years old. But mandated training for educators so that they can recognize the signs of sexual abuse varies widely from state to state.

Whether out of fear, shame, or confusion, many children will be unable to articulate their encounters about sexual abuse. Without adequate training, educators may punish children showing signs of sexual abuse, which can include common behavior problems like acting out and withdrawing from schoolwork and other, stronger signs. This sort of ignorance only serves to continue the cycle of trauma.

By federally mandating public school teacher and related staff training, the United States government would help address the dire need for training of those in contact with students. Teachers and other school staff must be given the resources necessary to educate themselves, the adult community, and students. Sign this petition to tell the U.S. Congress to mandate child sexual abuse awareness, prevention and identification training in public schools today, and reach out to your state representatives to ensure local impact.
I am writing to urge you to take action to stop child sex abuse in the United States today. After the horrific scandals that have emerged in Penn State, Syracuse, and countless other institutions, it is clear that training for educators on recognition of child sex abuse needs to be federally mandated as soon as possible.

The majority of teachers are given no resources to recognize the telltale signs of sex abuse in children. Instead, they may try to punish behavioral issues such as acting out and withdrawing from schoolwork, failing to realize that these issues are the child's only way of dealing with a traumatic situation.

Please enact legislation to federally mandate a training program for public educators on the recognition and prevention of child sex abuse.
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