Ask the state government of kerala to stop killing of innocent street dogs and other stray animal by

Recently there has been wide spread killing of stray dogs and other animals in various places across kerala by various influential families with support and assistance of local governing bodies like panchayats and corporations. Many dogs were administered cynanide injections, hit on head with sticks until they bleed to death, many pregnant dogs were killed, poisoned, and if any animal lover spoke they were harassed by local municipal counsellor and few local people too. Police and local bodies too turning deaf and dumb on such issue as they say its few stray animals life who cares. The government program for sterilising the stray dogs for which funds have been given are not been used for the said purpose and instead the animals are brutally killed. The local governing bodies are just on killing rampage. Kindly speak up for the speechless innocent beings. Take the brutual killers to task give justice to the dead animals.
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