Stand Up for the Next Generation of Olympic Athletes

The Olympic Games are one of the most-watched events, viewed by millions of children and their families. And, while we LOVE watching the Olympics on NBC, we don't love exposing our kids to the unhealthy marketing that's aired in between the competitions.

Our kids deserve better! Both broadcaster NBC and the U.S. Olympic Committee should hold Olympic advertisers to the highest possible standards when it comes to the foods and beverages advertised during the games.

It makes no sense that so many of the Olympic advertisers' main products are unhealthy foods and beverages. While the Olympics show kids the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle, during the commercial breaks kids see ads for companies whose main products include sugary drinks and foods high in calories, salt and fat.

Stand up for the next generation of Olympic athletes by taking action today. Urge NBC and the U.S. Olympic Committee to hold advertisers to a higher standard for our kids, beginning with the 2014 Winter Olympic Games.
Millions of children will cheer on Team USA during the Summer Olympics in London. Many kids will be inspired by the athleticism of our country's Olympians, proud of their strong work ethic and amazed by their incredible talents on the court, in the pool, in the gym or on the track.

Our kids look up to our athletes as role models. Because of that, we expect our athletes to act in a responsible manner throughout the games. We expect them to carry themselves in a way that makes their country proud.

That's why it makes no sense that so many of the Olympic sponsors' main products are unhealthy foods and beverages. While the Olympics show kids the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle, during the commercial breaks kids see ads for companies whose main products are sugary drinks and foods high in calories, salt and fat.

What an incredible mixed message for our young people!

As the official Olympic committee and official U.S. broadcaster of the Olympics, you can play a big role in ensuring that our children no longer see the same mixed messages during future games. Please take action to set higher nutritional standards for products associated with the Olympics, beginning with the 2014 Winter Olympics.

We hold Olympic athletes to a high standard. Why don't we hold Olympic sponsors to a high standard, too?
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