War Is Bad for All Living Things, Including Animals. Ukrainian Shelter Animals, Pets, and Strays Are Suffering.

Vladmir Putin's recent attacks against Ukraine have caused massive destruction and harm throughout the country. Millions of innocent civilians have been impacted by the violence of war, with many forced to flee their homes, injured, or even killed by the brutal strikes. On top of the impacts felt by humans, our animal companions have suffered greatly, too. Often the overlooked victims of war, strays and pets throughout Ukraine are fighting to survive Putin's devastating invasion.

Sign now to tell Putin: war is bad for all living things! Call off the Ukraine attacks now!

The brave Ukrainians who are keeping their doors open to take in strays and pets displaced by the conflict are an inspiration to all of us. Animal companions being left behind as Ukrainians make the heartbreaking decision to part with their beloved pets to seek refuge in neighboring countries. These animals also are being impacted by airstrikes directly. According to an animal welfare nonprofit on the ground, Happy Paw, pets are dying tragic deaths from heart attacks and bullets, and many of those that survive the attacks are going hungry, as animal food deliveries for dogs and cats are scarce. The reality is that these shelters shouldn't be forced to take care of so many pets under such brutal conditions in the first place. Every death from war is a preventable death -- including those suffered by animals.

Putin's reckless attacks on Ukraine have been devastating, with almost 1,500 civilians injured and over 900 killed according to the UN. There is no reason for the Russian President to be engaging in such horrific war crimes which are resulting in mass death and suffering. War hurts all life on the planet -- entire ecosystems can be decimated by bombings, and all of the species that live in them affected for years to come. Companion animals suffer brutally when conflicts like this break out, because no animals are safe from the weapons of war. 

We must tell Vladmir Putin to end his devastating attacks on Ukraine. All living things needlessly suffer from his impulsive and arrogant violence. Sign the petition now to tell Putin: protect Ukranians and their animals! End the invasion now!

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