Stopping the BSL in DeSoto

  • av: Ashanti Du'Pree
  • mottagare: Michael Hurtt, Mayor or DeSoto, City of DeSoto

The city of DeSoto, Texas (a subdivision of Dallas) is attempting to ban all American Pit Bull terriers on December 7th, 2006. This petition is an attempt to stop this act, before it happens. We want DeSoto to realize the breed is not to blame for any incidents; the blame lies in the owner. Instead of blaming and entire breed, we want DeSoto to blame the deed!

The city of DeSoto, Texas (a subdivision of Dallas) is attempting to ban all American Pit Bull terriers on December 7th, 2006. This petition is an attempt to stop this act, before it happens. We want DeSoto to realize the breed is not to blame for any incidents; the blame lies in the owner. Instead of blaming and entire breed, we want DeSoto to blame the deed! This petition aims to prove to the council that there are responsible owners, who have loving and respectable pit bulls.

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