Protect Wildlife Whistleblowers!

When someone bravely steps forward to report illegal wildlife trafficking, they shouldn't have to risk their lives and their careers. 

But without proper whistleblower protections, that's exactly the reality these courageous individuals face. 

Seven major wildlife laws (including the Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Act and the Lacey and Endangered Species Acts) mandate the Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service to protect whistleblowers who report illegal wildlife trafficking. 

We need your help to ensure that these laws are put into practice. These whistleblower protection laws are vital for stopping the illegal destruction of rainforests, wildlife trafficking in ivory that are driving elephants to extinction, fishing practices that kill dolphins, and other practices in the multi-billion dollar wildlife trafficking market.

The Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service must establish an office that whistleblowers can report to, they need to ensure that whistleblowers’ confidentiality is protected and they need to inform whistleblowers of their rights under the law.

Urge your Senators and Congressperson to insist that FWS and NMFS take these basic steps to protect whistleblowers!

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