Save Idaho Wildlife: Stop the Predator Derby

Idaho is at it again. A misnamed group called Idaho for Wildlife is asking the BLM for permission to use millions of acres of public land for a three-day "predator derby" this winter.

Unbelievably, the BLM is actually considering the request — so we need your help to halt this deadly event before it gets approved.

The group aims to gather 500 people to slaughter as many predators as they can — including wolves, coyotes, mountain lions, bears, foxes, bobcats and even weasels — near Salmon, Idaho this winter. And, at the end of the three days, cash prizes will be awarded to whoever kills the largest wolf and whoever bags the most coyotes.

The kill-fest comes as scientists increasingly worry about killing off predators because they're an incredibly important part of maintaining these wild landscapes.

Worse still, there are some shady connections between Idaho for Wildlife and private interests hoping to use revenues from the derby as bounty fees for those who kill wolves in Idaho year-round.

We need your help to make sure this wildlife derby of death doesn't happen. Help us stop these contests now by urging BLM to deny the predator derby's permit application.
Dear District Manager Joe Kraayenbrink,

I am writing to oppose the proposed "predator derby" on BLM land this winter in Idaho. This derby is both inflammatory and incredibly destructive -- and you should not allow it to take place on public lands.

It is becoming increasingly clear that predators are incredibly important to their ecosystems. But Idaho for Wildlife wants to eradicate gray wolves from the American landscape completely. We've already heard that story before. Our country and the state of Idaho have invested so much to help recover these magnificent animals -- and that kind of investment shouldn't be undone, especially in such a gruesome manner.

Allowing this derby would go completely against the public interest. Idaho's public lands have traditionally been envied as big attractions because of the opportunities they provide for wildlife viewing. If you approve this permit application, Idaho will come to be known as a place where animals are slaughtered on public land while public officials stand idly by.

[Your comments here]

Please do not allow this kind of activity on our public lands. Uphold your duty to protect wildlife for the benefit of all Americans -- not just a few predator haters with guns.

[Your name]
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