Baldwin Park Shelter: Stop Killing Dogs. They Are NOT "Aggressive"

  • av: Elizabeth Barrera
  • mottagare: Marcia Mayeda, Director of Los Angeles County Animal Care and Control

Duke, Blitz, Ben, the list goes on and on. Loving, affectionate dogs put down by Baldwin Park Shelter for being "aggressive".

We, the public, demand the elected officials supervising Baldwin Park Shelter to direct and enforce a policy, requiring Baldwin Park shelter to demonstrate and document in the form of real-time audio/visual, the specific “behaviors” which are determined by the officers-in-charge to be the cause of the dogs' authorized deaths.

Too many dogs have been euthanized at Baldwin Park - Tell the leaders of LA's Animal Care and Control that it's time to get serious about protecting and rescuing animals.


We, the public demand from the ones in charge of these animals' lives a complete disclosure of the specific "behaviors" and "observations" that determine the destruction of these animals' lives.

We will no longer tolerate and accept the overly-simplified and overly-used label of "aggressive" to pts these animals. "Aggression" is highly subjective to the perception of the person and does not clearly indicate the SPECIFIC behaviors that deemed the perception, subsequently the subjective description and label "aggressive."

On numerous occasions, I'm sure we have particular stories to tell, how dogs have been saved, despite being labeled “aggressive” by the owners and the shelters.  These “aggressive” dogs according to testimonials, have been some of the most loving pets.
Unless and until our voices are heard by the shelters and our elected officials that this labeling of "aggression" in animals without documentation of the specific "behaviors" and "observations," these dogs will continue to be destroyed without justice and without voice.


Uppdatera #410 år sedan
Tonight we share another sad story, Duke, a gorgeous one-year old male great Dane mix. We found a rescue at the eleventh hour, but BALDWIN PARK SHELTER said not just any rescue could save Duke, but only an "approved-partner" rescue AND an authorized person needed to be in the shelter with just a few hours to 5PM deadline. They wouldn't give consideration for the rescue to make arrangements to connect with an "approved-partner" rescue. They said Duke was "aggressive" - SHOW ME !
Uppdatera #310 år sedan
Once again, Pat, the manager at BALDWIN PARK shelter has killed a gorgeous rottie named, BLITZ. Pat, the manager, who makes the decisions over life and death had PROMISED to allow a rescue to save him, but changed her mind a couple of hours later and sentenced him TO DEATH!

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Petunia (A4755540) a female pittie mix, who was to be euthanized in Baldwin Park shelter, is now scheduled to be spayed on 10-14 and hopefully rescued.

This is a victory made possible through our challenges brought to the attention of Pat Claerbout, manager of Baldwin Park shelter.

With your support to continue efforts in changing the practices of Baldwin Park shelter, victories like Petunia's can be made possible.

Please share this petition for more signatures. Thank you.
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