Guarantee Americans Paid Time Off

  • av: Care2
  • mottagare: U.S. Congress
American workers receive the least vacation time of any wealthy industrial nation in the world. In fact, in 2008, only 14 percent of Americans will get a vacation of two weeks or longer. And even when people have vacation, they are often afraid they will be punished for taking it.

By law, Australians have four weeks off, Europeans four to five weeks, Japanese two - while we have ZERO! Our health and our happiness suffer as a result - vacations have been found to reduce the risk of heart attack in men by 30 percent and in women by 50 percent. And, as evidenced by the recent economic collapse and the falling dollar, slaving away at work isn't bolstering America's economy - virtually all countries with strong currencies in Europe give people the right to more than two weeks of paid vacation.

When Congress returns to session in 2009, they should put forth legislation to guarantee that every full-time American worker receives a minimum of three weeks paid vacation every year. Urge your Congressperson to support guaranteed paid time off for all Americans!
Dear Member of Congress,

American workers receive the least vacation time of any wealthy industrial nation in the world. In fact, in 2008, only 14 percent of Americans will get a vacation of two weeks or longer. And, when people have vacation, they are often afraid they will be punished for taking it.

While by law, Australians have four weeks off, Europeans four to five weeks, Japanese two, we have zero! Our health and our happiness suffer as a result. For example, vacations have been found to reduce the risk of heart attack in men by 30 percent and in women by 50 percent. And, as evidenced by the recent economic collapse and the falling dollar, slaving away at work isn't bolstering America's economy - virtually all countries with strong currencies in Europe give people the right to more than two weeks of paid vacation.

[Your Comment Here]

We need to encourage a culture of health and rest by promising Americans that they can take the time off they deserve in order to protect their mental and physical health. Please guarantee that every full-time American worker receives minimum of three weeks paid vacation every year.
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