Tell your elected leaders: public land should be saved - not sold!

Our most treasured public lands and wild places could soon go up for sale.

National forests, seashores, wildlife refuges, and recreation areas are all at risk of being sold to the highest bidder. The truth is, a majority in the U.S. Senate has already voted to allow the sale or giveaway of our federal lands, other than national parks and monuments.

These lands constitute much of what's left of the nation's natural and historical heritage — lands that protect our drinking water, provide wildlife habitat, and offer people the chance to connect with nature through camping, hiking, fishing, and more.

And in the first two months of this year alone, several members of the U.S. House of Representatives put forth three bills that would allow states to take control of federal lands — including up to 2 million acres of national forests — and auction it off for mining, clear-cut logging, drilling and road construction, with no regard for environmental protection.

We can't sit by and let our lands be destroyed.

Take action today to send a message to your elected leaders:

Public land should be saved—not sold!

To whom it may concern:

I care deeply about America's natural heritage, so I am alarmed to hear of Congress's attempts to sell off our public lands and turn them over to states to manage — opening these lands up to reckless development and drilling. I am also concerned about Congress's efforts to prevent the designation of new national monuments. I urge you to stand strong for the preservation of public lands and reject any measure that eliminates funding or sells these lands off. The American people support the protection of our natural areas that safeguard our water supplies, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities. Thank you for doing all you can to ensure Americans can experience nature and the special places that preserve our country's history.

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