Childhood Cancer Awareness Stamp

  • av: Serena Cronk
  • mottagare: Stamp Development U.S. Postal Service, Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee
My goal is to get a childhood cancer awareness stamp into circulation as soon as possible.  We have come so far in this battle, but there is still a lot of fighting left to do.  The only thing that is going to get us to a cure is awareness!  Help me fight for our children!  Help us KICK CANCERS BUTT FOR GOOD!!!
By the age of 20, one in every 330 children is diagnosed with cancer. Each year, 12,400 new cases of childhood cancer are diagnosed in the United States. Each school day, 46 children or two entire classrooms of children are diagnosed with cancer. Each day researchers, scientists and physicians come a little closer to finding successful treatments for many childhood cancers, yet approximately 2,300 children and adolescents die each year. More children die of cancer than of any other disease, including asthma, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, congenital anomalies and AIDS, combined. Treatment for childhood cancer is intense, often lasting several years of precious childhood. While more and more of our children are winning their battles, many emerge from their difficult battles to be then faced with the possible late effects of their treatment. These effects can range from mild learning difficulties to severe multiple disabilities, both physical and cognitive. Our children often pay a high price for their survival. 80% of children diagnosed have metastatic disease compared to 20% of adults diagnosed. Yet childhood cancer research gets the least amount of funding.  Our children are our future!  And no parent should outlive their child! Please support my petition and help me reach this goal because stamps are used everyday and what better way to spread awareness than with a stamp seen by so many?
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