End the Diabetes Epidemic

The Special Diabetes Program battles diabetes with progressive research and effective treatment, and if Congress reauthorizes the program, we can continue moving forward.

SDP has already produced advances in halting and reversing the complications of diabetes; progress in identifying environmental triggers of type 1 diabetes; and a 28% reduction in the incidence of end-stage renal disease in the Native American communities -- among its many accomplishments.

That is why it is essential to ensure Congress renew funding for SDP!

Your Members of Congress need to hear from you about this crucial program now. Make sure it's at the top of your Congress Members' to-do-lists in the fall session.
Dear [Decision Maker],

As your constituent, I stand with the American Diabetes Association in urging you to support reauthorization of the Special Diabetes Programs at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Indian Health Service (IHS) this year.

[Your comments will be inserted here.]

It is vital for Congress to reauthorize these programs this fall. An increase to $200 million per year for five years would ensure the vital research and programs to prevent, manage and cure diabetes continue at NIH and IHS. Failure to act will mean turning our efforts to closing down essential research and treatment efforts.
The Special Funding Program for Type 1 Diabetes Research has accelerated our understanding of how to prevent and treat diabetes and moved us closer to finding a cure. Continued investment in this program will allow this essential research to move forward.

In some Native American communities, one in two adults has diabetes. In others, there are effective programs through Special Diabetes Program for Indians that are reducing the prevalence of diabetes and its horrendous complications including blindness, kidney failure, amputation and death. It is critical we continue to support proven diabetes prevention and treatment services and care for populations most impacted by this devastating disease.

I hope you will support efforts to stop diabetes and pledge to reauthorize the Special Diabetes Program before the end of this year.

[Your name here]
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