Act Now to Save the Chimps

Right now there are hundreds of chimpanzees suffering in laboratories across the U.S. Hundreds more are being held in unaccredited facilities (such as roadside zoos), as pets, by breeders, or trainers for entertainment.

Chimpanzees are intelligent and sensitive individuals who are our closest living relatives in the animal kingdom. They don't deserve to be treated this way and should be allowed to live peacefully and without being abused. By speaking up, we can make it clear that we will not stand for the abuse of chimpanzees.

Save the Chimps is the world's largest chimpanzee sanctuary with nearly 300 chimpanzees living in our Sanctuary. We rescue chimpanzees from exploitation and provide them the level of care, attention, and enrichment that they need to help them thrive.

Join Save the Chimps by opposing the use of chimpanzees in research, in the entertainment industry, and as pets. Take the pledge today!


I oppose the use of chimpanzees in research, in the entertainment industry, and as pets and pledge my support for chimpanzees to live safely and peacefully in the U.S.
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