Deer Protection: Add siren warnings to cars

  • mottagare: President of The United States of America, Head of the Executive Branch
Protect Deers, Hundred thousands of Deer are reported Killed by Vehicles, Hunters, Predators Yearly. Existing Nationwide, yet no National recognition has been given to these gentle creatures. All vehicles be equiped with warning device. Deer will be able to acknowledge that a Vehicle is approaching.


Dear President,

Deer are kind, gentle creatures, yet they are not treated with the respect that they deserve as a native species in the U.S.A. These gentle creatures exist, harming no-one, yet by the hundreds of thousands are killed by Vehicles yearly, plus killed by hunters and predators.

We, the undersigned request that it be law that all vehicles be equiped with a sounding device for Deer to be warned of an oncoming vehicle to see if this may cut the road kills down significantly and save Human Lives and prevent injuries and damage to Vehicles and injuries to Deer.

In addition, we ask that our Government proclaim a National Deer Day and choose the Deer as The National Mammal. Proclaim what the People may do for Deer, that the Deer may live in peace.

The Undersigned.
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