End Poverty - Invest in Girls

Adolescent girls are uniquely capable of raising the standard of living in the developing world. It's been shown: She will reinvest her income and knowledge back into her family and her community. As an educated mother, an active citizen, an ambitious entrepreneur or prepared employee, a girl will break the cycle of intergenerational poverty.

Yet, despite her proven potential, she is more likely to be uneducated, a child bride and exposed to HIV/AIDS. Less than two cents of every international development dollar is directed to her.

Today, the world is starting to see that the cost of excluding a girl doesn't just impact her. It affects everyone. And it needs to change.

600 million adolescent girls in developing countries need your support and your voice. Take the pledge today: Commit to spread the word, educate your friends and family and show the world the importance of investing in girls.
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