Transform the food system by eating less meat

While going fully plant-based is a great way to improve one's health, the planet, and the lives of animals, it might seem like a daunting task. At World Animal Protection, we don't take an all or nothing approach, but rather believe we can make a big impact through small individual changes. By choosing to eat less meat a few days a week or one plant-based meal per day, you can join a people-powered movement that's transforming our food system to be more sustainable and kinder to animals, not to mention greatly improving your overall health.  

Join Meating Halfway, a 21-day journey that will guide you towards eating less meat by providing: 

đŸ· Support from our meat reduction experts 

📩 Our FREE meat reduction starter kit  

😋 Delicious recipes to make at home 

🎉 Fun, customized get-to-know-you exercises 

đŸ’Č Special discounts from our corporate partners

Together we can make a big impact with small individual changes. Sign up to participate in World Animal Protection's Meating Halfway today. 

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