Keep our Culture: Save the M.S. Norgoma

The M.S. Norgoma was the last packet ship built for the Great Lakes, being launched in 1950. After operating as a cruise ship from Owen Sound to Sault Ste. Marie, stopping all along the North Shore of Lake Huron, also known as the 'Turkey Trail' to deliver goods to the remote communities and allowing the passengers to experience the sheer beauty of Northern Ontario. After being converted to a car and passenger ferry in 1964 to operate the Tobermory to South Baymoth route with it's sister ship the S.S. Norisle, the M.S. Norgoma has it's steam engine converted to a diesel in 1968, and was finally decommissioned and replaced on its route with the M.S. Chi Cheemaun in 1974. It was purchased by the City of Sault Ste. Marie in 1975, and received it's current berth, constructed specifically to accomodate it in 1979. After it was decided by City Council that the City was not equipped to operate a tourist attraction, the St. Mary's River Marine Heritage Centre was created, and gained ownership of the M.S. Norgoma in 1981. Since then, it has been operated by a Board of Directors and a number of volunteers and summer students.
On April 23rd 2018, The City of Sault Ste. Marie's City Council voted to terminate the berthing rights of the M.S. Norgoma for its current location in Roberta Bondar Marina. This petition stands to show that we, the undersigned do support the M.S. Norgoma in its entirety and do wish that it stay in its current, and well deserved berth at Roberta Bondar Marina as a tourist attraction, symbol of Sault Ste. Marie's history, culture and heritage, as well as a monument to the significant Federal Government mandated historical event of packets travelling the Turkey Trail. We furthermore implore City Council to reverse it's decision to terminate the berthing rights and support the Norgoma's endeavors to be an exciting home of history, culture and community.

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